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Atualização sobre osteossarcoma convencional
Soft Tissue Sarcoma – Santa Casa de São Paulo Experience from 2006 to 2019
Patient and Surgical Risk Factors for Surgical Site Infection in Lower-Extremity Oncological Endoprosthetic Reconstruction
Mieloma múltiplo (Parte 2) – Atualização sobre a abordagem da doença óssea
Mieloma múltiplo (Parte 1) – Atualização sobre epidemiologia, critérios diagnósticos, tratamento sistêmico e prognóstico
Does the Addition of Mutations of CTNNB1 S45F to Clinical Factors Allow Prediction of Local Recurrence in Patients With a Desmoid Tumor? A Local Recurrence Risk Model
Background The initial approach to the treatment of desmoid tumors has changed from surgical resection to watchful waiting. However, surgery is still sometimes considered for some patients, and it is likely that a few patients would benefit from tumor removal if the likelihood of local recurrence could be predicted. However, to our knowledge, there is […]
Bovine Grafting: An Effective Alternative after Curettage of Benign Bone Tumors
We retrospectively reviewed 28 patients (15 women and 13 men) with benign bone tumors or pseudotumors treated with curettage and filling with freeze-dried bovine bone graft Orthogen (Baumer S/A, São Paulo, Brazil). The aim of the study was to evaluate the rate of incorporation of Orthogen into the host bone, as well as to describe […]
Is PET–CT an accurate method for the differential diagnosis between chondroma and chondrosarcoma?
The differential diagnosis between chondroma and intraosseous chondrosarcoma is based on imaging and clinical exams, but only a biopsy can confirm diagnosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the value of PET–CT in differen‑ tially diagnosing chondroma and chondrosarcoma. From October 2009 to May 2015, 36 patients with cartilaginous bone lesions in the […]